making laundry soap with castile
Castile soaps are as mild as they come. Pure castile soap is especially useful in the laundry for those who are sensitive to chemicals and fragrances. 1/4 cup of our finely shredded 100% Pure Castile Laundry Soap used with a warm or hot water wash will wash your clothes well without all the harsh detergents and fragrances commercial detergents contain.
Our 100% Pure Castile Laundry Soap comes in a 1 pound ziplock bag. It contains no added fragrances. Suggested use is 1/4 cup per full regular laundry load on warm or hot water wash. (Do not use with cold water wash as the soap may not fully dissolve in the cold water wash cycle!)
Our soaps are made with the very best organic ingredients.
We handmake all our soaps to ensure even results batch to batch.
Made In The USA
All of our soap products are Made In The USA in our little soap factory in the State of Connecticut.
When things were simpler,
of the highest quality,
and Handmade In The U.S.A.
Get some Castile Laundry Soap today
Support American Businesses! All of our soap products are Made In The USA in our little soap factory in a quaint little New England town in the State of Connecticut.

Come Join Us For The Best Soap Experience
After trying our all natural handmade in the U.S.A. soaps I am sure you will agree that you will have the best soap experience in your life. Our soaps are naturally sudsy and creamy, no artificial harmful ingredients added like commercial brands do.
$15.99/Pound - Quantity Discounts Available